Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Funny Things Marina Says...Birthday Party

One afternoon, Tori got an invitation on our doorstep inviting her to a birthday party on Saturday. Problem was, she already had a party scheduled for that exact same day and time, and there was no way she could go to both. She was bummed. All was quiet for a few minutes. Then, I hear this little Marina voice pipe up, so slowly and considerately, like she had been thinking about it for quite a while: "You'll probably say no to this, but what if I went to Holly's party (in place of Tori)?" She's so at ease with older kids, that she would have absolutely no problem with my dropping her off at a house she's never been at before, with kids 3-4 years older than her. Tori is more like Marty and myself, somewhat socially ill at ease and a bit shy. I'm hoping Marina stays her bold little self!

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