Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Lifetime Movies: The Thornbirds

How excited was I to see that LMN is showing the entire Thornbirds miniseries this week? I LOVED this series when it first came out in the early '80s. Who wouldn't, with its themes of power, corruption, forbidden love...never mind that I was only 10 at the time.

So last night, I threw the kids out of the room to start their nighttime routine with Dad (Mom needs her Lifetime). Unfortunately, Tori picks the wrong moment to come out and say good night to me, seeing a preview for the next day. "I thought priests aren't supposed to get married? Why is he kissing that girl?" Um, maybe you could bring that up in CCD (1st communion class) to let the entire class know that mom lets you watch totally inappropriate movies? Time for bed!

This movie is seriously depressing. Everyone seems to die and no one gets what they want. Could there be any more yearning going on? Richard Chamberlain is something to see in his priestly soutane. Love the scene where Mary Carson, who's like 100, is coming on to him in the rain. Frank has mommy issues, young Meggie is adorable but ignored (and gets the worst haircut ever...did they use a Bowie knife to cut it?). Nuns are really mean, and wild boars must be killed with one shot. There must be at least one death in every episode, and poor Baby Hal starts us off in part 1. Can't wait to see part 2 tonight!

Funny Things Marina Says...Marriage

So we were reading "Miss Spider Gets Married," and I asked Marina if she knew what a wedding was. Here's her description:

"It's gross! It's when a man and a woman kiss and his mouthwater gets on her and her mouthwater gets on him! Ewwww!"

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Funny Things Marina Says...Birthday Party

One afternoon, Tori got an invitation on our doorstep inviting her to a birthday party on Saturday. Problem was, she already had a party scheduled for that exact same day and time, and there was no way she could go to both. She was bummed. All was quiet for a few minutes. Then, I hear this little Marina voice pipe up, so slowly and considerately, like she had been thinking about it for quite a while: "You'll probably say no to this, but what if I went to Holly's party (in place of Tori)?" She's so at ease with older kids, that she would have absolutely no problem with my dropping her off at a house she's never been at before, with kids 3-4 years older than her. Tori is more like Marty and myself, somewhat socially ill at ease and a bit shy. I'm hoping Marina stays her bold little self!